Category: Homebuilt Aircraft

Posts related to building an aircraft under the 'experimental' or 'amateur built' categories.

Building an amateur-built airplane in Canada

So you’ve decided to build an amateur-built airplane in Canada. Construction is going to be challenging enough but what about all the steps that need to be followed to satisfy the Canadian government? The following is a basic list of everything that needs to be done to build an amateur-built airplane in Canada. File Letter …

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Deciding On A Homebuilt Airplane

One of the first things that crosses the mind of a newly minted pilot is owning an airplane. But what would that airplane be? Factory-built or homebuilt? A factory-built, certified airplane must have major work performed by a certified mechanic but a homebuilt can be maintained entirely by the builder. Also, a homebuilt, or amateur …

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Van’s Aircraft

On, I intend to document the building process of an RV-9A homebuilt airplane. The RV-9A is one of eight models of aircraft kits manufactured by Van’s Aircraft, which was founded by Richard VanGrunsven, a mechanical engineer who has over 10 000 hours flight time including 6 500 in homebuilt airplanes. Richard’s first airplane was …

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