I took my first ride in an airplane when I was 6 years old. It was a family vacation that put me on board an Air Canada DC-9 and a British Airways 747. The thought of that huge aircraft hauling itself into the air got me hooked on aviation. I wouldn’t call myself an expert in aviation. I can’t identify on sight any aircraft as some people can. I just love the notion that flight is possible. I wanted to learn how to fly.
When I was 27, I went for my first flying lesson. After four years of training part-time, I passed my flight test, earning me a private pilot license (PPL). Two years after that, I got my night rating. As a pilot, I don’t think I can ever stop learning both from formal education as well as experience. If you’re a pilot, neither should you.
I created this website so I can share with you the world of aviation from my perspective. You’ll also join me on my journey as I build my very own airplane, a Van’s RV-9A.